Cucumber Recipe - Chef Cynthia Louise
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Cucumber cleanser

Cucumber Cleanser

This cucumber recipe is delicious and reminds me of my mate Christina from @anandasoulcreations

Over the years we would eat together with my other mate @katnowism at one of our favourite cafes in Ubud Bali. Christina would request more cucumbers in her salad, In her water and cucumber slices on the side.

This became a regular thing, and it got me thinking about how our bodies gravitate towards certain ingredients over time. This drink is made in honour of my hard-working mate Christina who is the creator of all the exceptional jewelry I wear.

Cucumber cleanser

For this cucumber recipe, salt plays an essential role because it enhances the cucumber flavour.

Yes, salt. The building blocks of flavour that make all Chef Cynthia Louise’s recipes work.

Cucumber Recipe (Cleanser drink)!



  • 1 cucumber, sliced thinly
  • Lots of ice
  • 3 cucumbers, juiced

  • A pinch of salt
  • A pinch of #FORGIVENESS



  • Add the sliced cucumber to your serving glasses and top with ice.
  • Mix the cucumber juice with some salt and pour into the glasses.

Enjoy! Visit my YouTube channel for other recipes like this with videos. You can also check out my Healthy Magical Elixirs eBook for more recipes like this.

From my kitchen to yours,

Chef Cynthia Louise xx

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About the Author

Chef Cynthia Louise is an Internationally acclaimed MasterChef, speaker, author, restaurant consultant, teacher and television presenter in wholefood, dairy-free cooking. She also has the worlds first online cooking classes focused on dairy-free plant-based whole foods with recipes that people are raving about and changing people's health, one delicious bite at a time. Chef Cynthia loves nothing more than educating people about the simplicity and vitality of a plant-based, whole foods lifestyle. Each dish is like art on a plate and her flavour combinations nourish the soul and get everyone talking.