Live Masterclass an Akaline Mental Atmosphere - Chef Cynthia Louise



An Intimate RAW Conversation About The Importance Of Having an Alkaline Mental Atmosphere.

Live Web Event by Chef Cynthia & Kat Dawes

About The Live Masterclass

Welcome to the promoter of the Present moment

How’s your Quarantine going? Although I am blessed with being in a beautiful large space, this time still definitely has its challenges!

I send love to all peeps that are doing it tough! It takes a whole lot of creativity to stay inspired and focused at the moment.

If you are looking for something to assist you to stay focused but also playful during this time… I want to share with you the work I do with Kat.
Here is a summary of what it is and what to expect.

The Premise of what Kat brings to my life as my coach is she helps me to have ‘higher vibes’ more ‘airtime’ in our minds. The fine print is, higher vibes activate our potential.
Through focusing your attention into this game of consciousness, you become the right condition for not only your potential to express, but for life’s ‘best’ to flow easily to you; dynamic health, enriching relationships, overflowing abundance, deep self-worth and acknowledgement and exciting opportunities!

The fine print is, you help change the world… one thought at a time. This is vital as we go through life’s fine prints.

Welcome to the Present Moment!

I invite you to join Kat and I on an uplifting and entertaining adventure into personal and spiritual development!

You'll Learn

Register for the Masterclass

Even if you can’t make it, sign up anyway! We’ll send you the recording.


I just love the way Chef Cynthia inspired me to cook and have a better love for food and how to nourish my body with wholefoods. I now feel better than ever thanks to her. I loved her style, presence, her individuality and creativity shown in her cooking. The food tastes amazing and I love her recipes in the cooking classes. I’m always cooking for myself, family and friends.
Shelly Cox
I've been going ‘Chef Cynthia ‘ballistic the last few days, cooking and preparing delicious meals for my family. I'm super grateful for the ease and grace, the simplicity, the flavours, the sustaining healthy yumminess in every recipe. Cynthia is so easy to follow online and I’m never stuck for a recipe that makes me and my family feel alive and vibrant. Yum yum yum!!!!
Diane Nuttman
Kat Dawes has arrived in the here full of the power of now to set us free from being a two tense person. She in a joyful, witty way reminds us to be free of the past and future, the tenses where all problems reside.
Kat Dawes is the personification of her message, and whether catching a glimpse of her spirit, hearing the words she speaks or reading pages she’s written one can’t help but be powerfully moved into their now!


Chef Cynthia Louise

Chef Cynthia Louise is the creator of a series of online cooking masterclasses and programs that run 24/7. Each class is designed to nurture you through an emotional connection with wholefood. Connecting you internally to your incredible organs your body houses.

In each class, Cynthia guides you from her kitchen to yours, focusing on techniques that are achievable, as the techniques and intentions are the most important part of a recipe. Each class brings you closer to nature, enhancing your genius while discovering how much you, truly matter, as each dish is designed with your organs in mind.


Prolific artist and dynamic promoter of the present moment, Kat Dawes, creator of Nowism, takes a stand on behalf of the now! Implementing an iconic, global consciousness campaign, ‘Cleaning Up the Mental Atmosphere’, she humorously highlights the need for an upgrade in the quality control department… of our thoughts.