Simple Bread - Chef Cynthia Louise


It is just that: a wonderful bake-at-home loaf of bread to eat fresh from the oven or slice up and freeze.
Real ingredients that are organic and gluten-free.
gluten free bread premix

Top tips for gluten-free homemade bread.
Have the right ingredients

Simple bread is just that.

The ingredients in simple bread help with removing excess from your colon and cleanse your insides out. As it has a ratio of buckwheat and psyllium that act as a cleaning bush inside your insides.

Of all the vital organs in the body, the gut seems to be the one that suffers the most abuse.

Mainly from highly processed flours and gluten-free flours, all affect our colons function.

Simple bread is an expertly crafted ratio that is intended by nature to function in your body and have a positive impact on your colon.

The breadmaking process doen't have to be a hard process.

Simple bread is a crafted ratio of premix of organic gluten-free food flours that are designed for the busy human that wants the freshness of homemade gluten-free bread that simple. 

Gluten free bread
Sliced Gluten-free bread

Every slice supports your gut health. Simple bread has an exact ratio of organic gluten-free real food mix together conveniently packaged in a pre-mix for you at home. Just add water and #goodintention

The ingredients that make up the average loaf of GF bread are normally high processed and filled with numbers.

The simple Loaf of pre bread mix is simply that. SIMPLE.

Ingredients that make up your pre-mix of single bread are organic ingredients
  • Buckwheat flour
  • Rice flour
  • Chickpea or sometimes called besan flour
  • Tapioca starch
  • Baking powder
  • Baking soda
  • Celtic salt
  • Psyllium

The idea of making your own GF bread seems a long hard road to balancing out the ingredients. Simple bread is just that.

A skilful ratio of different GF flours in a convenient packet for you at home. All you need is water and #goodintention

Mix, bake, slice and EAT.

For all the bread lovers out there
Easy to bake in the oven, NO racing time.

Simple Bread is gluten-free, dairy-free, and nut-free

A gluten-free bread recipe that is SIMPLE to make

Unlike wheat-based bread, which can be made with only flour, water, salt and yeast, SIMPLE bread is gluten-free bread blended with a ratio of real food flours and starches.



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